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What We Believe

“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”
A.W. Tozer 

Core Beliefs

The following information is meant to provide a snapshot of what we believe, it is not an exhaustive list of our beliefs and convictions.
It is based upon the Bible as our final source of authority.

THERE IS ONE GOD who is eternally & perfectly revealing himself to us in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

BEFORE THE CREATION OF THE WORLD God laid out a plan to display his unimaginable grace, love, holiness, and sovereignty through faith in Christ Jesus


CREATION was designed to bring glory to God. It provides testament to God’s invisible qualities that all mankind is witness to. 

MAN was created by God in His own image and is the crowning work of God’s creation. In the beginning, man was innocent of sin and was given the freedom of choice within the sovereignty of God. However, Man used this freedom to sin against God– thus bringing sin into the human race.

SIN fractured all things when it entered the world, leaving man in a hopeless need for salvation. Only the grace of God can bring a man into His holy fellowship and enable that man to fulfill the purpose of God. 


SALVATION is Man’s greatest need because all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. We are unable to know or fellowship with our Creator because of sin. We are saved & justified only by God’s grace through faith. Salvation is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Eternal redemption and eternal life are obtained only by faith in the blood of Christ. Salvation includes regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. Salvation begins the moment we exchange our life for the life of Christ.

JESUS was born of the virgin Mary by divine conception. Truly God. Truly Man. He lived a sinless life of perfect obedience and offered his life freely as a perfect sacrifice when we were utterly helpless. Man was unable to atone for Man’s sin and be reunited with God. Now, by faith in Christ through the grace of God, Man is able to be reunited with God. Jesus was murdered on the cross and rose from the dead three days later. He was seen by many witnesses after his resurrection before his ascension into Heaven. He is now the perfect mediator between God and Man. 


HEAVEN & HELL are real places. All men will experience eternal life to one of these two ends. 

JUDGEMENT is a certainty. All men will die and stand before the throne of the Almighty. The only determinant factor in that moment will be a man’s faith in Christ and the fruit of that faith that was displayed.

MISSION & OUTREACH are commissions, not suggestions. In a lost and dying world, we have far too much joy in the knowing of God himself to keep that joy to ourselves. We are to live and love well in a world filled with dying men and women that need Jesus. We are travelers, not residents.


DISCIPLESHIP is a mandate from Jesus himself. Simply put, discipleship is helping others follow Jesus. "Follow me as I Follow Christ." We firmly hold to the belief that we are meant to be in intimate and intentional community as we run after Jesus

SCRIPTURE is the record of God's revealing of Himself to man. It was divinely inspired by God himself and hand-written by men. The Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative and inerrant Word of God that tells a unified story leading us to Jesus. Scripture has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth for its matter. It reveals God’s unfailing love, and reveals the principles by which God judges us. Therefore, it is the true center of our faith and is the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and religious opinions should be tried.

CHRIST WILL RETURN and make all things on earth as it is in heaven. God began his story with us in paradise, and He will end it in paradise.

WE ARE “church”. We are a body of believers acting in the faith and fellowship of the gospel. We are committed to His teachings, to working out our faith in community, to exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and to extending the gospel to the ends of the earth. We are known by our love and by our fruit.


WE ARE “Church”. We are part of the WHOLE body of Christ which includes the redeemed of all the ages, in all locations. We believe in actively pursuing fellowship with “The Church” so that we can better work toward the growth of local believers and making Christ’s name known across our city and the nations. We believe that a united "Church" can radically change the face of homelessness, foster care, adoption systems, care for the abused, help for the addicted, and hope for the hopeless.

MARRIAGE  is a holy covenant between one man and one woman. This covenant is clearly identified and defined by God at creation, it is affirmed in Jesus' ministry, and it is upheld in the teachings of scripture in both The Old Testament and The New Testament.

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Thursdays @ 7pm

Sundays @ 5pm

13903 Babcock Road

San Antonio, TX 78250

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Run Well. Love Seen. Die Daily.

We are a community focused on making Christ known through pursuing an authentic relationship with Him and his people.

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